Google announced on Twitter today it released a more significant broad core algorithm update. This is considered the March 2023 core update at this time. Our industry often nicknames the update according to what has been affected. This will be determined in the coming weeks as the update completes its roll-out.
Google often announces essential “core” updates to allow developers and SEOs alike to make appropriate adjustments as needed. Google Search Central has a blog with a list of past and present ranking updates.
Here is an excerpt from Google Search Central explaining core updates.
Several times a year, Google makes significant, broad changes to our search algorithms and systems. We refer to these as core updates, and we give notice when they happen on our list of Google Search ranking updates. Core updates are designed to ensure that overall, we’re delivering on our mission to present helpful and reliable results for searchers. This page explains more about how core updates work, and what you can do to assess and perhaps improve your content.
Reasons For Google Core Algorithm Updates
The primary reason Google updates its search algorithms is to deliver the best possible search results that apply to the user’s search. Websites using spam, deception, or any other black-hat SEO tactics result in poor user experience for their users. As technology and user habits evolve, so do spammers. It’s an ever-evolving battle that SEOs are accustomed to.
Why It’s Important
Google updates are important because they can affect your organic website search rankings either positively or negatively. Some SEO practices that were initially accepted and encouraged, may no longer be beneficial for your website or even bad for rankings. The entire SEO community stands at attention as core updates roll out and data rolls in. Many discussions occur in our industry news sources. Hypotheses are confirmed either with Google’s written confirmation or accepted via retrieved data results proving theories. Either way, action to update your website is usually necessary.
Google admitted to over 450 algorithm changes a year in the past. That’s over an update per day. Needless to say, your website’s SEO is essential to your company’s organic search engine visibility.
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